International Online-Workshop on “Potential of microbiome application in the society faced with super-aging population and novel infectious diseases”


The research on microbiome is indispensable for the super-aging society. Much progress has been made in this field as it joins together with other leading sciences and technologies and new businesses are being developed. Further, there are active discussions on how the research can lead to prevention and treatment of new infectious diseases such as COVID-19.

In light of this, QWS ACADEMIA will host a bi-weekly workshop “Potential of microbiome application in the society faced with super-aging population and novel infectious diseases”. The workshop is open to students, bussiness persons and anyone else interested in this field. Participants in the workshop will have opportunities to learn the trends and future of the microbiome research and its commercial application and experts’ views on how we should cope with infectious diseases such as COVID-19.

Let us together explore the secret of microbiome and think about how microbiome might help us in the midst of paradigm shift.

Participation Style

Zoom Webinar (Log-in URL and Password will be sent by 17:00 on Sep.23 in 2020)

Registration Fee


Registration Deadline

17:00 on Sep.23 in 2020


Shibuya QWS Innovation Council


  • Global Consolidated Research Institute for Science Wisdom, Waseda University
  • Institute for Advanced Research of Biosystem Dynamics, Waseda University
  • QUE
  • The Japan Microbiome Consortium



Contact Information:


  • 17:15  Online Site Open
  • 17:20  Introduction to QWS
  • 17:25  Opening Address Dr. Toru Asahi (Waseda University, Professor)
  • 17:30  Invited Lecture “Data-driven Personalized Medicine with Deep Learning”  Dr. Jun Seita (RIKEN, Medical Sciences Innovation Hub Program, Health Data Deep Learning Team, Team Leader)
  • 17:45  Q & A
  • 17:50  Invited Lecture “Current Status and Future Perspective of Drug Discovery and Dvelopment based on Human Microbiome Research”       Dr. Jun Terauchi (Japan Microbiome Consortium, Chair of Steering Committee/ONO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD, Director of Research Portfolio and Resource Management Office)
  • 18:05  Q & A
  • 18:10  Invited Lecture “How to Translate Microbiome Science into a Better Life for All Members of Society : The Role of Business, Investors and Scientists Working Together to Create Value”  Dr. Eric de la Fortelle (Seventure Partners, Manager)
  • 18:25  Q & A
  • 18:30 Panel Discussion “Microbiome Application in the Society Faced with Super-aging Population and Novel Infectious Diseases”  
  • 【Panelist 】 Dr. Jun Seita/Dr. Jun Terauchi/Dr. Eric de la Fortelle
  • 【Moderator】 Dr. Hidehiko Ohtake (Corundum Systems Biology, CEO)
  • 18:55 Closing Address
  • 19:00 Online Site Closed